Please note: We’re not taking on new clients in Nashville, TN, at the moment. Click here to find other Chi University certified veterinarians.
In person consultations and treatments
Dr. North is primarily seeing patients at her space in Inglewood (37216). The address is provided for clients who have booked an appointment. Contact Dr. North to schedule your appointment.

Scheduling Appointments
*Note, appointments cancelled less than 48 hours before scheduled appointment time will be charged a cancellation fee.
Appointment Schedule
Hours of operation:
Monday – Thursday
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
*The only day house calls are possible is Monday.
Preparing for your Appointment
- Your pet’s medical records must be sent via email at least 48 hours before the initial appointment.
- If in-home appointment, the treatment area should be a quiet place where your pet is most comfortable with no distractions and no other pets.
- Have your pet’s favorite treat close by during the appointment.
- Give all medications as prescribed by your regular veterinarian.
- Allow your pet to relieve itself before the appointment (if possible).
- Only pets with a scheduled appointment will be seen.
- If in-home appointment, please have your WiFi password readily available so that Dr. Neely can share her resources and your pet’s information easily
- Sign and return the Practice Terms and Conditions form:
Appointment Options
Initial Consultation (In Office OR VIRTUAL)
- $400
- 60-90 minutes
- Please see our Virtual Consultation page here if you would like to chat online.
For your first consultation, Dr. North will do a thorough review of the patient’s history and medical records prior to your arrival. During the consultation, Dr. North will review and perform the following procedures:
- Review of medical records
- A customized treatment plan for your pet and their conditions including supplement recommendations with links, nutrition plan, acupressure tips and more.
- Traditional Veterinary Exam
- Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medical Exam
- Motion Palpation Exam (A chiropractic type of examination)
- Acupuncture Treatment
- Food Therapy Consultation/ Nutrition Consultation (How to add in some human-grade, whole foods to the diet)
- Vitamin B12 Injection*
- Behavioral counseling
- Supplement Recommendations
Example: What strains of probiotics are best for this pet? or What brand of joint/skin supplements are best? - Chinese Herbal Consultation*
- Trigger Point Therapy/Massage Therapy*
- Physical therapy exercises that can be done at home*
- Suggestions for safe essential oil use*
- PEMF treatment: Assisi Loop or Assisi Lounge (bed)- this is an electromagnetic field device that helps with pain and inflammation. More info here:
- Up to 5 follow-up emails
- HVLA Adjustment*(Similar to a chiropractic adjustment) additional 20$ and only in pets with up-to-date Xrays from your regular vet or a specialist.
*Procedures performed if desired or indicated
Follow Up Consultation (In Office)
- $175
- 30-40 min
Follow-ups will check on the progress of your pet, and may include:
- Traditional Veterinary Recheck/Brief Exam
- Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medical Exam
- Motion Palpation Exam (chiropractic exam of the spine)
- Acupuncture Treatment
- Vitamin B12 Injection
- Trigger Point Therapy
- Behavioral Counseling
- Food Therapy/ Nutritional Counseling
- Herbal Adjustments
- One follow-up email
- HVLA Adjustment*(Similar to a chiropractic adjustment) additional 20$ and only in pets with up-to-date Xrays from your regular vet or a specialist.

Fear Free
I practice fear free meaning clients feed high value treats while the pet receives treatment – there is no holder or restraint used, just positive reinforcement.
Video showcasing needle placement on a small dog in the office. Herbie is receiving treatment for seizures, addressing his TCVM (Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine) patterns.
Video of a dog relaxing with acupuncture needles in place, typically for about 15 minutes. While not all dogs fall asleep during the session, many do! Rest assured, sleep isn’t necessary for the needles to be effective.